Here, a combination immunotherapy is identified using cowpea mosaic virus cpmv in situ vaccination and cd47. Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus blcmv and cucumber mosaic virus cmv were transmitted to cowpea plants by mechanical rub inoculation. The use of tobacco mosaic virus and cowpea mosaic virus for the production of novel metal nanomaterials. Vidano and conti 1965 were the first to report cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv infecting cowpeas in italy, and lovisolo and conti 1966 described its properties. The combination therapy not only attenuates the growth of primary tumor and increases survival, but also suppresses distant tumor growth and reduces lung metastasis. The year 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the first description of cpmv as a pathogen of cowpeas vigna unguiculata in west africa. Cowpea mosaic transmitted by bean leaf beetlecerotoma trifurcataforst. A partial amino acid sequence of cowpea mosaic virus cpmv vpg radiochemically modified by chloraminet and boltonhunter reagent has been determined. Cowpea yellow mosaic virus chant, 1959 cowpea mosaic virus, yellow strain agrawal, 1964 an rnacontaining virus with isometric particles about 28 nm in diameter. Infected leaves are generally smaller than healthy ones, and often there is a slight puckering and curling of leaf edges. Cowpea is an important leguminous crop cultivated in all part of india and worldwide for green pods as vegetable, seeds as pulse. Scientific advances in characterising plant viruses has led to many changes in original names and bicmv is now officially bean common mosaic virus blackeye strain, but this new name is still uncommon in publications. The use of plant viruses like cpmv as viral nanoparticles is advantageous for many reasons. Some of the most promising nanoscale scaffold systems have been coopted from nature including plant viruses such as cowpea mosaic virus cpmv.
In situ vaccination with cowpea vs tobacco mosaic virus. First, the addressabilty of carboxylates was demonstrated using a carboxylateselective fluorescent dye, ncyclohexyln4dimethylaminonaphthylcarbodiimide. Mosaic diseases of cowpea cabi africa soil health consortium. Genetic inheritance of resistance to cowpea aphidborne. Characterization and genetic diversity of cowpea vigna. Indeed, cymv causes the maximum damage to cowpea cultivars and it may cause yield reduction up to 80100 % chant, 1959. Dessens jt, lomonossoff gp 1993 cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promotercontrolled dna copies of cowpea mosaic virus are infectious on plants. Cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv is a major virus disease in uganda that causes substantial loss of the cowpea crop especially in growth and yield. There are several viruses associated with mosaic symptoms on cowpea. Likewise cowpea plants inoculated with either virus alone or with cmv and blcmv mixed infection had less stem height and aboveground fresh weight than the. Hesketh,3 pooja saxena,2,5 yulia meshcheriakova,2 youchan ku,1 linh t.
Replication of cowpea mosaic virus cpmv is associated with small membranous vesicles. Department of botany, mahatma gandhi post graduate college, gorakhpur273001, u. Cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv is a potyvirus capable of infecting many species in the family fabaceae, and most strains also infect members of the amaranthaceae, chenopodiaceae, cucurbitaceae, laminaceae, passifloraceae and solanaceae. As a result of its ease of propagation, high yield and the stability of the viral particles, cpmv. Cowpeas do attract an unusual number of pollinating insects when flowering. The plant defense response to cucumber mosaic virus in. Interactive effect of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus and. Olo ii, oloyin and it86d719 with three unrelated viruses. Cowpea mosaic virus cpmv is a picornalike plant virus. The cpmv in situ vaccine synergizes with cd47 blockade, because cpmv in situ vaccination activates the innate immune system, leading to.
Interactive effect of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus and cucumber. Cowpea mosaic virus nanoparticles for cancer imaging and. Membrane activity of the southern cowpea mosaic virus. Recent advances of cowpea mosaic virusbased particle. Cowpea mosaic virus cpmv is a nonenveloped plant virus of the comovirus group.
Both rna1 and rna2 have a vpg virus genomelinked protein at the 5end, and. In situ vaccination with cowpea mosaic virus nanoparticles. Endothelial targeting of cowpea mosaic virus cpmv via. Crystal structure and proteomics analysis of empty virus. Pdf interactive effect of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus and. Cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv, genus potyvirus, cowpea mottle virus cmev, genus carmovirus and southern bean mosaic virus sbmv, genus sobemovirus singly and in mixture on growth and yield of cultivars at 10 and 30 days after. The two most important ones in africa are blackeye cowpea mosaic virus blcmv and. Identification and characterization of ssr markers linked to yellow mosaic virus resistance genes in cowpea vigna unguiculata t. Diversity among isolates of cowpea severe mosaic virus. Among the many species of plant viruses infecting cowpea, cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv is considered a significant and cosmopolitan cowpea virus, because it causes yield losses generally between 3040% bashir et.
A characteristic symptom of the mosaic virus disease is an intermixing of light and darkbrown areas. The mode of gene action conferring resistance to the virus is not well understood. For the first time, decoration of surfaceexposed carboxylate groups on cowpea mosaic virus particles is reported, thus increasing the number and types of addressable surface groups on this nanoscaffold. Cowpea yellow mosaic disease caused by cowpea yellow mosaic virus cymv is one of the most serious diseases of cowpea. Little systematic work has been done to compare isolates of the virus from different parts of the world. Membrane activity of the southern cowpea mosaic virus coat protein. Pdf this research tries to demonstrate physiological effect of combined infection of two viruses on growth parameter of cowpea plant as. This study selected cowpea offspring with i white rugose coat seed characteristics that are accepted by markets and ii that present resistance to cpsmv serotype i and cabmv. Cd47 blockade and cowpea mosaic virus nanoparticle in situ. The plant defense response to cucumber mosaic virus in cowpea is elicited by the viral polymerase gene and affects virus accumulation in single cells chungho kim1 and peter palukaitis2,3 1994. Vpg covalently bound to viral rna chains vpgrna was iodinated with chloraminet and boltonhunter reagent to label tyrosine and lysine residues, respectively. An indian isolate of cowpea mosaic virus cpmv was found easily transmitted under symptoms of mechanical transmission were characterized by mosaic, veinal necrosis, vein clearing, vein banding, blistering, stunting, leaf deformations, chlorosis and cupping of. Distribution and detection of cowpea viruses infecting.
Identification and characterization of ssr markers linked. Moreover, biochemical and biophysical properties of. Cowpea mosaic virus infects l i bean and adzuki bean in addition to cowpea. This study showed that the differences in stem height and final aboveground fresh weight of cowpea plants inoculated with mixed infection with cmv and blcmv were significantly less than those of plants inoculated. Cowpea mosaic virus cpmv is the type member of the comoviridae and bears a strong resemblance to animal picornaviruses, both in gene organization and in the amino acid sequence of replication proteins. Cowpea mosaic virus cpmv has borne witness to most of the aforementioned biotechnological uses of rna viruses.
Cowpea mosaic virus infection induces a massive proliferation of. It has a limited host range, is transmitted mainly by beetles and readily by sap inoculation. The tmv coat protein gene is the elicitor of such responses induced through the n gene. Diversity among isolates of cowpea severe mosaic virus infecting cowpeas in northeastern brazil e. In the 50 years since it was first described, cowpea mosaic virus cpmv has become one of the most intensely studied plant viruses. Hexagonal crystals, space group p6122 or p6522 with a 450 a and c 1038 a. In the case of uganda, the important viruses have not been established and yet such information is vital to the nation to establish the identity of the viruses that affect cowpea production. Mottled areas are irregular in outline and may follow the main veins. In this study, three nigerian commercial cowpea cultivars olo 11, oloyin and white and two lines from the iita it86d 719 and tvu 76 were mechanically inoculated with cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv, bean southern mosaic virus sbmv and cowpea mottle virus cmev singly, as well as in all. Pdf in the 50 years since it was first described, cowpea mosaic virus cpmv has become one of the most intensely studied plant viruses. Insect damage will most often occur during the seedling stage and may be caused by mexican bean beetles epilachna varivestis, bean leaf beetles cerotoma trifucata, cowpea curculios chalcodermus aeneus. Cowpea mosaic virus article about cowpea mosaic virus by. Structure article crystal structure and proteomics analysis of empty viruslike particles of cowpea mosaic virus nhung t. Research in the past 15 to 20 years has shifted from studying the underlying genetics and structure of the virus to focusing on.
Cowpea yellow mosaic virus chant, 1959 is an rnacontaining virus with isometric. Pdf the use of tobacco mosaic virus and cowpea mosaic. The objective of the study was to determine the genetic inheritance of resistance in cowpea crosses. Cowpea mosaic virus cpmv is a plant comovirus in the picornavirus superfamily, and is used for a wide variety of biomedical and material science applications. Transmission studies on an indian isolate of cowpea mosaic.
The cowpea severe mosaic virus cpsmv and the cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus cabmv are the main pathogens in cowpea plantations in brazil. Possible diseases are fusarium wilt, bacterial canker, southern stem blight, cowpea mosaic virus. The relation of thiio virus to cowpea mosaic virus described by mchan and. Blcmv may also appear as cowpea blackeye mosaic virus. Although its replication is restricted to plants, cpmv binds to and enters mammalian cells, including endothelial cells and particularly tumor neovascular endothelium in vivo. The structures of a naturally empty cowpea mosaic virus. The role of basic amino acids, helixforming potential, and lipid composition. Its genome consists of 2 molecules of positivesense rna rna1 and rna2 which are separately encapsidated. Effect of cowpea golden mosaic virus infection on rhizobium in nodules of cowpea vigna unguiculata shail pande. Infection of a susceptible cowpea leaf causes a mosaic pattern in the leaf, and results in high virus yields 12 gkg. Crystals of cowpea mosaic virus displaying a high degree of order have been grown in two different forms. The study was carried out to investigate the effects of inoculating three cowpea cultivars.
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